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The Diocese of New Westminster’s business office will be having its annual meeting to review the status of investments in the Consolidated Trust Fund (CTF), and other areas related to the Fund.

The meeting will provide an update on what has been happening with the CTF this year, and what our outlook is as we move into 2017. We will also review what we are recommending for draws out of the fund as we move into a new year.

Paul Martin from our investment counsel Phillips, Hager & North will be present to make a short presentation and respond to questions.

Again this year the parish of St. Stephen in West Vancouver has kindly agreed to host the meeting. Their hospitality is appreciated. Please advise Phil Colvin, phone 604.684.6306, ext. 210 of our office if you are intending to come. That will allow preparations for seating, coffee and the like to proceed.

9am gathering for a 9:30pm start.

Paul Martin at the 2015 CTF Annual Information Meeting.