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Earthkeepers: Christians for Climate Justice and Salal + Cedar Watershed Discipleship Community are hosting a prayer service and ecologically focused communion meal for the blessing of Burnaby Mountain. This event takes place before the Climate Convergence Metro Vancouver Kinder Morgan, WE STILL SAY NO! March and Rally that condemns the ecological damage that will be caused by Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain pipeline expansion.

Despite widespread opposition, Kinder Morgan is still promising to construct its pipeline during early September and later tunnel through Burnaby Mountain. While the BC provincial government is using every means possible to stop the pipeline construction, the Alberta provincial government and Canadian federal government still support the pipeline.

Construction of the pipeline means a clear disregard for the vocal opposition from the Indigenous nations whose traditional territories it would cross. It would also ignore the strong evidence that the planet and its inhabitants will be severely burdened by the extraction of fossil fuels.

As Christians, we believe that God is reconciling all of creation to himself, which includes reconciliation among humans, and between humans and creation. We cannot passively watch as Kinder Morgan is moving ahead on construction. We will fail to bear witness to the gospel if we ignore creation care and the significant threat to life on earth caused by climate change.

When we gather together and humbly ask God to heal our land and broken relationships, God will hear our request. When we break bread together through the communion meal, we will remember the one whose brokenness heals our lives. Only then, anew with Christ, can we return to our world’s healing.

Will you join us on September 9 at Christ Church Cathedral as we seek God together?


11am: Doors open
11:30am: Prayer Service and Eucharist/Communion in the Park Room
12:30pm: Gather and prepare to walk together to the Vancouver Art Gallery
1pm: March and rally begin

March and Rally Details:


- A wheelchair ramp is located at the east door on Georgia St.
- The Cathedral is equipped with accessible washrooms on both the main and lower levels.
- An elevator is located through and to the right of the east vestibule to access the lower level exit onto Burrard street.

Everyone is welcome. A donation will be collected to honour Christ Church Cathedral, who is hosting the event space.

This event is taking place on the traditional unceded Coast Salish territories of the Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh nations.


Earthkeepers: Christians for Climate Justice is an ecumenical network working out biblical teachings in regard to ecology, love of neighbour, and climate justice.

Salal + Cedar Watershed Discipleship Community (Coast Salish territory) helps Christians and others grow in love of place and commitment to eco-justice.