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Many thanks to the Reverend Lorie Martin, Interim-Priest-in-Charge at St. Thomas', Chilliwack for sending in these photos featuring the younger members of the parish. Easter Day 2023 was the Reverend Martin's first Easter following her ordination to the priesthood late last year. The parish is celebrating its sesquecentennial this year and there is a lot of excitement about Anglican ministry in Chilliwack.

The Reverend Martin sent in the following paragraph to go with the images. 

"The children led the procession on Easter Sunday morning after ringing the church bells at St. Thomas',  Chilliwack. Carrying the cross up front is one of the happy baptismal candidates. Carrying the Pascal Candle is Eucharistic Assistant Nancy den Boesterd. We enjoyed a beautiful Cupcake Cross and Easter treats for all at coffee time. The congregation welcomed this child and her father into the household of God. Splashes of blessed water reached almost everyone! Alleluia! Alleluia!"