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Tuesday, October 11th, Tropical Storm Jova hit Central America unleashing torrential downpours for 8 consecutive days. Floods and mudslides have caused widespread destruction.
St. Mary's Kerrisdale has a Cristosal Base Community group. The Cristosal Foundation is the Episcopal group formally connected to the Anglican Diocese of El Salvador. It does development work in four communities, two of which have been hit very hard by the tropical storms that hit Central America. One of these communities, Los Calix, in the Parish of Cristo Rey is where part of SMK's centennial campaign money is to build a new church and flood refuge centre. The entire community had to be evacuated. Much of their bean, rice and corn crops were destroyed. Thankfully the shrimp fishery has survived.
Foundation Cristosal is asking for your support to help us raise $50,000 for our work in El Salvador.
We can immediately turn your generosity into
action through our Reconstruction Program which:
‣ Distributes food and medical care to affected
‣ Offers micro‐loans and grants to families who
have lost their homes or sources of income.
‣ Assesses the damages to homes, property,
and crops.
‣ Partners with the Salvadoran people in the long, slow work of recovery
People from around the D of NW and beyond are encouraged to either make a donation to St. Mary's Kerrisdale which will be funneled to the Diocese of El Salvador via PWRDF or they can help by attending the Salsa Night on November 9 at the Alpen Club. Or, both!