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Exploring Our Faith 

Confirmation Prep Day 

 On Saturday morning, youth and adult attendees from across the diocese gathered to prepare for Confirmation, Reaffirmation, and Reception. Confirmation Prep Day is an annual event hosted by the Mission and Ministry department of the diocesan office. It is optional for those awaiting Confirmation day but has always been an opportunity for community building, education, and spiritual renewal. 

The day kicked off with a warm welcome in the Trendell Lounge with tea, coffee, and baked goods before heading into the Conference room for the first session. Bishop John Stephens opened the day in prayer, and Lauren Odile Pinkney, Missioner for Youth, led the icebreaker activity, which had attendees guessing Anglican or Confirmation-themed words that were on stickers on attendees' backs. The game got everyone introducing themselves and helping each other. In our first session, Bishop John invited attendees to write down any and all questions for a Q&A with the Bishop before heading into the Trendell Lounge for our next session. 

Erin Bruchet, a self-taught felt artisan who brings together therapeutic art through her work in "Tender Woods," led attendees in an affirming and creative session. Attendees were invited to forage in their local communities and find found items in nature to bring together for their art piece aptly named "Heart Boxes." They were given the option of three different pieces to make: mushrooms (a symbol of resurrection), nests, or "incubation" boxes (what is God growing inside of you?), or inchworms and chrysalises "Metamorphosis" (What is God transforming you into?). Attendees, with the help of a hot glue gun, chose a theme for their pieces and used the materials to create and wonder. They embedded words, quotes, and prayers into their piece that could either be shown or hidden somewhere in secret for only them to know. The result was a peaceful and creative time of reflection enjoyed by both youth and adults alike. 

After all that creative energy, attendees were in need of sustenance, so we sat and enjoyed lunch together with good conversation and good food. After Lunch, it was time for the next session. Attendees went back to the Conference room where Bishop John explored Anglican identity. Attendees got to explore different elements of Anglicanism and were able to highlight for themselves and each other what draws them to Anglicanism, whether it be the political, the natural world, the sense of balance, or the beauty of our sacred spaces among others. 

Rev. Jessica Schaap, Missioner for Christian Formation, then led the attendees in her "Embodied Apostles Creed," which had youth and adults alike kneeling in the tomb, rising, and spinning in the "life everlasting." This embodied exploration of the Creed takes you on the journey of our faith through not just movement but the realization through enactment of what we say every time we come together to worship, both the pain and the joy and the radical notion of our faith itself. 

Youth and adults were then invited to explore their spiritual gifts separately in two groups. The groups with the youth guided by Lauren and the adults by Bishop John, aimed to build self-awareness, relationships and community. Then we split into groups for a church scavenger hunt - always a favourite with attendees  -- which added an element of fun and teamwork, encouraging participants to engage with their surroundings and learn together. Groups had to take photos of many different elements including items, places, people, and ideas that were in some way linked to Anglican Identity or Confirmation. Groups took photos of everything from the font or altar candles, the Cornerstone of St. Johns, Shaughnessy, the Bishop's Mitre, the Medicine Wheel featured in the “Raising Hearts” art piece, and even a physical depiction of the Trinity. 

As the day drew to a close, the final piece of the day, led by Rev. Jessica and Bishop John, centered around the blessing of baptismal water. Attendees were invited to bring water from their local watershed, whether it be from the tap, lake, sea, or streams, they brought them forth in a variety of creative vessels to be poured into the font to be blessed before we were invited to mark ourselves with the sign of the cross with the newly blessed and mingled water reminding us both of our baptism and our togetherness through our baptism into the family of the church. To close, attendees were reminded of the practical next steps in their confirmation journey before attendees brought forth items to be laid on the altar for blessing by the Bishop. 

Confirmation Prep Day is not just an optional event for practical preparation for Confirmation, Reception, or Reaffirmation; but is an empowerment of youth and adults alike to connect with each other, learn from each other and diocesan leaders, and to engage in meaningful ways in their own spiritual formation and enrichment ahead of making their public commitment. They are left ready to embark on the next chapter of their spiritual journey. 

Confirmation Day is April 27th, 2024 at Christ Church Cathedral.