Archdeacon: The Ven. Lou Rivers
Regional Dean: The Rev. Sarah Tweedale

This is the last report from parishes within the diocese of New Westminster regarding their ministry. We highlight the parishes in the North Vancouver, which is in the Capilano Archdeaconry. The information has been collected by Bettina Gruver, Diocesan Program Co-ordinator, and comes from files, websites, personal experience, and a questionnaire.

Food is collected at St. Catherine's for the North Shore Harvest Project and Christmas hampers are prepared for families. Volunteers give their time to Meals-on-Wheels, preparing and delivering food to shut-ins. The Refugee Committee, part of an ecumenical group, re-settled a mother and her two sons. The parish's Refugee Sponsorship Fund regularly collects money for refugee concerns. A group of Sunday School children donated their collection to the NS Youth Safe House while another group made a donation to Quest. A third produced a musical with the proceeds going to the Bochabelo Project which is raising funds to build an AIDS clinic in Soweto, South Africa. Others receiving financial support are the NS Homeless Shelter, Neighbour Link, Developing Countries Farm Radio Network, Operation Eyesight and the Rev. Tess Meadows, diocesan Volunteer-in-Mission, serving in Belize. In '02, a teen took part in the pilgrimage to Taiwan, a program funded by Stewards in Action (SIA). A pre-school, a music school, and diverse community groups use the parish facilities. The NS Disability Resource Center runs a social kitchen, teaching disabled people cooking and other related skills.

The parish of St. Richard collects stamps to support the Arthur Turner Training School, a theological school for clergy in Nunavut, Diocese of the Arctic. Campbell soup labels are collected for the War Amps Association. Mission to Seafarers make good use of the plastic bags provided for the Mission's store. World Vision is receiving financial support for Jemima, a student at Buli Girls High School in Kenya. AA and AlAnon meet regularly in the parish facilities.

Throughout the year, St. John the Evangelist supports a small food bank and a group of single parents - at Christmas, they receive a meal, gifts for the children and food hampers. Gifts are made to Operation Eyesight, Mission to Seafarers and support is given to the deacon of the parish, the Rev. Tess Meadows, serving as Volunteer-in-Mission in Belize. Two ethnic congregations with growing ministries also receive support. In conjunction with the cities of the North Shore, the parish supports community social projects, such as a homeless shelter. Youth and KidzChurch ministries reach out to neighborhood children. Seven long-term groups meet in the parish, including AA, Al Anon and parenting groups. In '97, a teen took part in the Jars of Clay youth servant leadership program and the parish is a meeting place for Education For Ministry, an in-depth lay theological education program. Both programs are funded by SIA.

Moms and Tots from the neighborhood are invited to gather weekly at St. Agnes over tea and cookies with parish Grannies who love fussing over the Tots. Parishioners collect for the North Shore Outlook Shelter: food, clothing and bus tickets. The Shelter also receives financial support as does the NS Harvest Project. A monthly Soup Lunch is held for parishioners whose donations go to a local charity or PWRDF. Outreach happens as the opportunity arises: a parishioner who had traveled in Afghanistan raised awareness and funds which were donated via PWRDF. Ecumenical outreach to a Lutheran and a United Church in the neighborhood has parishioners sharing special services and study programs. A Karati club, Beavers, Cubs, and a Montessori pre-school meet in the parish premises. Two teens were part of the SIA supported Taizé pilgrimage in '03.

Food is collected at St. Martin's for the North Shore Harvest Project and a small Food Cupboard is on hand for immediate help. As part of an ecumenical group which sponsored a refugee mother and her two sons, the parish provides financial support for monthly expenses. The youth group raised funds for a north shore shelter via a Santa's Breakfast and their recent 30 Hour Famine raised funds for World Vision. The Book Stall is open every Sunday, stocked with parishioners' contributions. The money raised is sent to PWRDF. Scouts, Guides, a Montessori Pre-School, NS Mentally Handicapped Association, Special Olympics, Quilters, Krysalis Theatre Co., TOPS, a Pantomime Group, Senior's Hub and Garden Club have all been welcomed to the parish facilities. In 1990, SIA provided seed money for the sponsorship of an AIDS awareness conference in North Vancouver. The event was well attended and received wide community attention.

North Shore Harvest receives a month ly food donation from St. Clement's, and each November, clothing is delivered to St. James Community Social Services or the NS Harvest Project. Ladies knit squares which are sown together into blankets for homeless youths - among others, the Coming Home Society has received blankets. St. Clement's was a founding member of NeighbourLink North Shore 11 years ago. Two parishioners still serve on the Board and volunteers shop, drive to and from appointments, provide respite care or take seniors to visit a spouse in a care facility. Refugees and newly arrived immigrants receive help as well. Sunday School children's donations help sponsor a Karen refugee at a boarding school. (Karen are tribes in South Burma, caught in boundary disputes and living in refugee camps in bordering Thailand. Of those who are Christians, many of them are Anglicans). In the early `90s, the parish reached out to Lynn Valley High School students in cooperation with a Young Life field worker, based at St. Clement's. The program was funded by SIA. A Garden Club, the Harmony Singers, Atlantis Pedalheads Summer Biking Camps, A-Rocha Christian Conservation Group and New Directions have all been welcomed to the facilities of the parish.