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Over the past year, the Ecumenical/Multi-Faith Unit of the Diocese of New Westminster has worked on behalf of the Bishop and the Diocese of New Westminster to support and promote ecumenical and multi-faith relationships.

Here are a few things we've been up to this year.

Loving Our Neighbours Letters of Greeting

Our key work has been to write Letters of Greeting from the Bishop to members of other faith traditions on their various religious holidays, festivals and commemorations. Please keep your eyes out for more letters, and be sure to pass them onto your neighbours. We have been so lucky to have the Reverend Clare Morgan write these letters this year. As they hand over the reins we want to specifically give thanks to God for their ministry.

Sponsored St. Hilda's Inter-Faith Series on Wisdom

The Reverend Steve Black met with the EMU group to ask for support in his inter-faith series on wisdom. He brought in leaders from many faiths to reflect on wisdom from their traditions. We're sure he'd love to connect with anyone about his passion for wisdom and inter-faith connections!

Updated the Website

Make sure you check out the Ecumenical and Interfaith resources for your personal use or for a study group in your parish.

Our Future Ministry

Building the Team

We are looking for people who have a heart for Ecumenical and Multi-Faith ministry to become part of the team. There are many opportunities to listen, learn and love our neighbours and want to support your passion. We can work together to create local and diocesan events to promote this ministry and build partnerships in local congregations. If you heart is beating wildly at this invitation, connect with the Reverend David Taylor here. You can find a link below to a poster you can share in your parish.

Awaken Love Ecumenical Conference

The Parish of St. Dunstan and the Centre for Spiritual Renewal is hosting a conference on renewing our faith from March 3-5. Ecumenical speakers include local theologian Brad Jersak, United Church minister and former VST professer Jason Byassee, and local singer/songwriter Cathy AJ Hardy. People from a variety of Christian traditions will gather together to sing, pray and learn about how we can nourish our faith in a post-COVID time. Look for registration soon! We are grateful to the Reverend Tellison Glover, the Director for Mission and Ministry, who has provided funds for this event.

As we continue to practice good neighbourliness, may you know the blessing of God, our Creator, Jesus, the Living Word, and the Holy Spirit, God's breath of life. Amen.