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Just before dusk on a late summer’s evening, September 12th, 2012, a section of the stately Shaughnessy neighbourhood located at Nanton and Granville streets suddenly experienced a burst of colour and activity as the procession for that evening’s Celebration of New Ministry moved from the parish buildings behind the church to the sanctuary. The procession entered through main entrance doors that three days previously had been covered up with wooden slats, a condition that had existed for many years. The removal of the slats revealed doors consisting mostly of large panes of glass, a powerful symbol of a community that wishes to welcome and engage the neighbourhood by being open and available.
At the conclusion of the first hymn, Christ is Made the Sure Foundation , The Right Reverend Michael Ingham, Bishop of the Diocese of New Westminster welcomed all who gathered with these words…
“Tonight is more than the usual celebration of a new ministry.
Tonight is a joyful, happy moment that brings to an end a decade of pain.
This beautiful church has been a battleground that made long time friends into strangers. It has become a symbol throughout the world of our collective failure as Christians to contain disagreements in faith within the bonds of peace and within the dignity of mutual respect.
Fr. Michael Fuller comes to us from completely outside the events that happened here. He brings no taint, no baggage whatsoever to this new ministry we begin tonight. He does however come to us from within our church, the Anglican Church worldwide, in communion with the See of Canterbury. He is a sign that the church can heal itself by the grace of almighty God.
People long estranged from this place have begun to return. Together with them, and with Michael, and everyone in the Diocese, we have an opportunity and a duty to restore this great church to its former glory.
The work has already begun. In particular we thank Andrew Pike for his ministry of reconciliation. That work continues tonight in this celebration of new beginnings.
Michael, we welcome you to Canada and to the Diocese of New Westminster. May God heal and restore, strengthen, and bless you and the people of St. John's in the years ahead.”

The Reverend Douglas Fenton, Director of Mission and Ministry for the Diocese of New Westminster was the preacher for the Celebration of New Ministry Eucharist. Douglas and Fr. Michael Fuller had met twice at courses at the Anglican Centre in Rome. Douglas was instrumental in bringing Bishop Michael and Father Michael together in a dialogue of discernment resulting in his coming to Vancouver and incumbency at St. John’s, Shaughnessy.
Douglas' sermon was based on the  two readings, Ephesians 4.4-13 and John 17:20-26.
He began by saying,
“Let’s talk about evangelism. This seems a good place to start given the name of the Parish: St John, and given its historic character, and let’s assume, for arguments sake, that it would not be some other John such as John the Divine or John the Baptist or John Chrysostom but rather St John the Evangelist. And evangelism has as much to do with what we’re doing tonight as anything. Not that this parish has a market’s share on evangelism (every parish should be engaged in it) but it seems a perfect occasion in the life of this parish to focus on communication—that is communicating the good news of God in Christ. Evangelism.”
Douglas directly challenged the St. John’s, Shaughnessy community by reminding them that as a new rector is welcomed, everyone involved must become personally responsible and invite people in and welcome those who have the courage to come through the doors. He urged the SJS parishioners to help them with the liturgy, gently guide them through worship, greet them at coffee and include them.
(The COMPLETE TEXT of Douglas' sermon is available by clicking the link. )
 The remainder of the liturgy unfolded smoothly, the Covenant in Ministry, the warm welcome from the congregation to their new pastor, prayers, the Passing of the Peace, all leading up to the Eucharist.
Following worship a large majority of the congregation assembled in the lounge for a celebratory reception. The St. John’s, Community of Faith under the committed leadership of their wardens, new pastor and music in worship leaders did a fabulous job organizing the liturgy. All those arriving for worship were greeted warmly and made to feel welcome. The food and drink at the reception were excellent and a good number of SJS parishioners took on the role of servers, making sure that every guest had a full glass and something to eat.
Bishop Michael’s words proved prophetic, for the Celebration of New Ministry on Wednesday, September 12th, 2012, was indeed a “joyful, happy moment bringing to an end a decade of pain. “
Images: Homepage and Upper right, The newly inducted Rector, The Reverend Fr. Michael listens to the welcome of the Parish. Top, Deacon, Preacher, Bishop's Warden, New Rector, Bishop Michael and Bishop's Chaplain process west on Nanton street, Upper left, People's Warden, Robyn Woodward welcomes the congregation.
Middle, Preacher, The Reverend Douglas Fenton.  Lower, a portion of the congregation. Below, Bishop Michael, Deacon for the Liturgy, The Reverend Karin Fulcher and Father Michael Fuller. Below, the main doors before and after September 9th, 2012