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As part of our ongoing commitment to support and enhance the vitality of our parishes within the Diocese, the Mission and Ministry Development (MMD) team will be conducting a thorough review of the Annual Vestry Reports for this year. Our team comprises of a few diocesan department staff and members of the MMD standing committee.

Purpose of the Review:

The primary aim of this initiative is to gain a deeper understanding of the current state of our parishes, celebrate the remarkable work being accomplished, and identify areas where additional support may be needed. This process is integral to our diocesan strategy for fostering vibrant faith communities across our diocese.

Areas of Focus:

To ensure a comprehensive and consistent evaluation, the review will be structured around four key foci:

  1. Financial Health: Assessing the financial stability and sustainability of our parishes to ensure they have the necessary resources to fulfill their mission.
  2. Leadership: Evaluating the effectiveness of both clergy and lay leadership in guiding the parish and fostering growth.
  3. Ministry Health: Examining the diversity, engagement, and impact of parish ministries to understand how they contribute to the overall vitality of the parish.
  4. Building Maintenance and Utilization: Considering the condition and use of parish facilities to ensure they effectively support the parish's mission and community engagement.

These foci have been carefully chosen to provide a holistic view of parish vitality and to guide our collaborative efforts in mission and ministry development.

What to Expect:

Members of the Mission and Ministry Development team will carefully read through each Annual Vestry Report submitted. We aim to approach this process with respect, sensitivity, and an open heart, understanding the unique context and challenges of each parish. Following the review, we may reach out to some parishes directly to discuss insights, celebrate successes, and explore potential areas for support and development. A report of the team’s collective insights and observations will be generated at the end of this process.

Your Role:

We kindly ask that you ensure your Annual Vestry Report is submitted in a timely manner if you have not done so already. Your cooperation and openness to this process are greatly appreciated and are vital to its success.

This initiative is a testament to our collective commitment to nurturing the spiritual and communal life of our diocese. We believe that through this process, we can better serve our parishes and foster a more connected, resilient, and thriving Diocesan community.

Should you have any questions or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out. We are here to support you throughout this process and beyond.

Thank you for your dedication and service to your parish communities. We look forward to this journey of assessment and discovery together.

Rev. Tellison Glover
Director of Mission and Ministry Development