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On November 2, 2019, the Parish of Christ the Redeemer, Surrey (CtR) held their first community All Souls Celebration. The purpose of the event was to make the church and cemetery available for everyone, of every faith tradition who may be seeking a place to remember those close to them who have died.  Many people come to the Surrey area from all around the world leaving their dead behind, CtR offers a gathering place for everyone. 

CtR is located at the geographic centre of Surrey and is home to Christ Church, the oldest church and graveyard in Surrey (1882).  CtR members were inspired by a similar event held in Vancouver at Mountain View Cemetery.

As this was the “test run”, organizers were very pleased at how this All Souls celebration drew the CtR members together and also attracted folks from the wider community. 

The parish plans to continue with this new tradition in the years to come and will work to promote the celebration more broadly.

(Prepared with files from Annie Smith, Parish Administrator)