Established in 1879
10,000 people, 62 parishes and 3 worshipping communities in British Columbia

The Diocese of New Westminster is situated on the ancestral traditional territory of the Coast Salish peoples and encompasses much of the area commonly known as the “Lower Mainland of British Columbia”.

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Our Mission

"Growing communities of faith in Jesus Christ to serve God's mission in the world."

Our Bishop
The Most Reverend John Stephens

10th Bishop of the Diocese of New Westminster

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What does it mean to be Anglican?
It's a way of following Jesus

Following Christ in the Anglican way is rich, varied, and complex. But there are some common elements across the life, practices, and character of the church. 

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500 years in a nutshell
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Our Priorities

We Believe...

We seek to foster, build and strengthen our relationships with one another in all we do in diocesan, parish, and community circles.

We seek to focus diocesan energy and resources on parish development: assisting parishes in focusing on and building their excellence around their core purpose of gathering, transforming, and sending; encouraging parishes to express the best of their Anglican identity; and assisting parishes in creatively engaging the real challenges and opportunities before them.

We seek to assist diocesan leaders and parishes in learning about the culture and history of Canada’s Indigenous peoples, in engaging with Indigenous peoples in their neighbourhood and regions, and in advancing the Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

We seek to increase the diversity of the leadership in our diocese and to strengthen the ability of our parishes to engage the diversity of the people in our parishes, in our neighbourhoods, and in our region.  We seek the transformation of our minds, our hearts, and our practice as we increase our diversity and seek the oneness that God invites us to embrace.

We seek to work on the overall sustainability of our diocese and of our parishes by attending to the fit between all the elements of diocesan or parish life (finances, property, priorities, processes, organizational structures, organizational culture, external relationships, etc.) We seek to nurture a diocesan culture that is more transparent, collaborative, consultative, courageous and in which people have greater choice.