1130 Jervis Street    Vancouver

Since the 10th century the  Christian Church has observed the 2nd of November as a day for remembering the souls of the departed: our family members, our friends, our mentors, our ancestors, our loved ones, all those who have given our lives meaning but whom we see no longer.
Many cultures celebrate this day joyously with parades, special treats and picnics in the cemetery, sharing these pleasures with the departed.
At the Labyrinth we are planning an evening walk as an opportunity for you to honour and remember those who have been an important part of your life. For many of us there have been figures whose significance to us we have only in later years begun to understand or those to whom we were never properly able to express our feelings. This is a time in which to re-encounter them in our hearts. Perhaps with some it is time at last to make peace.There will be a space available in which to place a photograph or a small remembrance while you walk. (and sprigs of rosemary to place with them…and to keep). Come and join us on the evening in which these two worlds draw near to one another, as on no other occasion.

Followed by a contemplative Eucharist on the Labyrinth. All are welcome!