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A new anthology Bury the Dead - Stories of Death and Dying, Resistance and Discipleship edited by the Reverend Laurel Dykstra of our diocese is now available for purchase from Wipf and Stock.

The book is a collection of first person narratives that in different ways answer the question, "how do we resist the pervasive culture around us that both denies and promotes death?" Each answer is unique and powerful.

The volume is part pastoral theology part movement history from several generations and contributors from various North American justice movements (civil rights, anti-war, Catholic Worker, Occupy) talk about cancer, death row, hospice, suicide, jazz funerals and resistance.

This is a project that Laurel is really proud of and she hopes that Topic readers will be able to share in getting the word out. The book is a fund raiser for the Mentorship Program at Word and World for young Christian activists and includes writings by members of the program.

There are several ways to get this remarkable book and make sure that others do too.
order copies of the book from Wipf and Stock
• order a copy from the contributor who lives nearest you
attend the book launch and All Saints retreat in Washington, November 1-2, 2013.
share the linked flier with libraries, seminaries, universities, friends
let Laurel know if you would like to have a contributor to the book come and speak in a classroom or church.
• check the diocesan website calendar and Parish Mail for updates on the North Vancouver and Vancouver launch events
The contributors are: Lydia Wylie Kellermann, Bill Wylie Kellermann, Joyce Hollyday, Tom Karlin, Jeff Dietrich, Elaine Enns, Ched Myers, Kieran Prather, Mary Bradford, Murphy Davis, Andrea Ferich, Jordan Flaherty, Elizabeth Nicolas, Eda Ruhiye Uca, Nelson Johnson, Pablo Ruiz, Frida Berrigan and Laurel Dykstra.

Images: Top and homepage, book jacket. Middle, Laurel at the Walk for Reconciliation, September 22, 2013. (PHOTO: Sandra Vander Schaaf)