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care ╬ share is the diocesan program to support ministries above and beyond that done by our own parish.  The ministries chosen to be care ╬ share recipients each receive funding for a two year period and then new ministries are chosen. 

These ministries don’t receive set “funding” - instead they receive voluntary contributions made by people like you. The 2020-21 recipient for care ╬ share is Urban Aboriginal Ministry (UAM). You are encouraged to prayerfully consider if you can pledge a gift (over and above what you give to the parish) to care ╬ share. 

If you normally give by PAD (Pre-authorized donation) you may designate an additional amount for care ╬ share to be added to your monthly donation.  Or you can add the amount to your envelope giving and the parish will pass the amount along to the diocese for distribution to UAM.  You can give a one time gift by credit card through this website. Select "Choose Giving Type" and scroll down to "Care + Share."

Hopefully before Christmas Eve, pledge cards should be available in your parish. Easy to follow instructions on how to pledge and how to give are on the cards.

Please see below the care ╬ share 2020-2021 promotional video.

There is a pew bulletin insert available for downloading below in WORD which you are encouraged to use for the next few weeks and resources for an announcement about the campaign that we ask that you offer during your announcements at worship services.

Please give prayerful consideration to a pledge to care ╬ share.