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A church or parish Rector is, ultimately, a pastor. Their ministry is to walk with and care for the souls of God’s people. While preaching at St. Laurence, Coquitlam on January 27, The Rev. Cameron Gutjhar told parishioners at that church their new Rector, the Rev. Philip Cochrane is exactly that.  “He walks the talk,” Rev. Gutjhar said.

Archbishop John Stephens presided at the Service of Induction to mark the celebration of Rev. Cochrane’s new ministry at St. Laurence. Executive Archdeacon Nick Pang witnessed the oaths and subscriptions and signed Rev. Cochrane’s license, formally making him the Rector of St. Laurence church.

In his sermon, Rev. Gutjhar recounted his experience of having Rev. Cochrane as his mentor in the early days of his ministry. “He will pray with you, he will laugh and cry and challenge and comfort and discern and work with you. He will testify alongside you in word and action to the transforming work of God, even when things are difficult,” Rev. Gutjhar said.

“The way of Jesus is difficult, and beautiful and good, but worth it,” said Rev. Gutjhar. “My prayer for you is that with God’s help you will become even braver, bolder, daring, more humble, loving, merciful, more Christ-like.”

The service was attended by both parishioners of St. Laurence and friends from across the diocese, including St. Paul’s where Rev. Cochrane was Rector until December 2024.