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Chancellor George Cadman began the meeting at 6:35pm. He announced that Dean Peter Elliott had a family member that was taken ill during the afternoon and that the Dean was with the relative at the hospital and would not be able to attend Council. In the Dean’s absence the Chancellor would chair the entire meeting and for purposes of this meeting the Dean designated the Venerable Douglas Fenton, Executive Archdeacon of the Diocese as Commissary. However, as there were a number of important resolutions to be discussed and voted on listed on the January 14 Agenda, the Dean as Administrator of the Diocese would reserve the right to give his assent to decisions made at the January 14th meeting.
Archdeacon Douglas Fenton offered the prayer for the evening.

The Chancellor gave a brief update and overview of the Agenda. He said he would not establish any time targets for discussion at this meeting. The Chancellor informed council that the Reverend Canon Melissa Skelton, the Bishop-elect has been down with the flu this week but she is rallying and she is beginning the transition. She has rented a place to live in Vancouver and she is in contact with Diocesan Officers regarding decisions currently facing our diocese. After February 15th the Bishop-elect will be able to spend more time in the transition process from her current ministry in the Diocese of Olympia to her upcoming role as Bishop of the Diocese of New Westminster.

The draft Minutes of 12-10-2013 were adopted as circulated

Christian Camping Ministry Report
Following the discussions at the December Diocesan Council meeting, the Executive Officers were asked to come back with resolutions for discussion at the January meeting. The Chancellor directed Council’s attention to the document distributed containing these draft resolutions.

Resolution 1.

Diocesan Council affirms the importance of ministry among young people and requests the Diocesan Administrator, working with the Diocesan Youth Movement, to establish a working group mandated, upon completing an evaluation of current youth ministry programming, to create strategic directions for ministry with young people in the Diocese to be presented to Diocesan Council no later than April, 2014, for comment and recommendation to Synod 2014 for consideration and approval.

The general content of the discussion was that this is a particularly good time given the changes in staffing with the imminent departure of the Youth Ministry Coordinator to begin work on an evaluation of current youth ministry.

The MOTION was carried

Resolution 2
Diocesan Council requests the Diocesan Administrator, following the recommendation of the Report of the Task Force on Christian Camping, to appoint a working group to formulate and present an implementation plan to Diocesan Council no later than April, 2014, for comment and recommendation to Synod 2014 for consideration.

Specifically this resolution is in response to the direct ask from the Christian Camping Task Force that a group be struck to look at this issue. The resolution in its original form was discussed and some amendments were made resulting in the resolution above.

The MOTION was carried.

Resolution 2a
That the two working groups established this evening are directed to work together and cooperate with each other to ensure that their recommendations are cohesive to the degree that may be possible.

Resolution 2a was developed by Legal Registrar Don Paul during the course of the debate on the suggestion of Cameron Gutjahr that there be some “overlap” directed by Council for the two groups established by these resolutions.

The Motion was carried

Resolution 3
Diocesan Council directs the Budget Committee of the A&F Committee to exclude support funding for current operations or capital infrastructure at Camp Artaban in 2014, with future funding to be reviewed on the basis of the Synod approved strategic plan for Youth Ministry and Christian Camping Ministry.

Diocesan Treasurer, Bob Hardy, Business Administrator of the Diocese, Rob Dickson and Acting Director for Mission and Ministry Development, the Reverend Ruth Monette reported on their January 9th meeting with Artaban Board representatives (see letter from Sandi LaCharitie and the Artaban Society members response sheets linked). At the meeting the Artaban Society representatives informed the diocesan leadership group that they plan to open the camp in 2014, but that continued financial support of the diocese would be an integral part of the funding needed. It was the opinions of the Diocesan reps that the budget and income projection materials presented by the Artaban Board reps at the meeting did not adequately address the key questions of what it would cost to open the camp and how many campers would attend in 2014. There was a general lack of definition on the income side of the projection.

The MOTION was carried without opposition.

Camp Artaban Society Response to Request for Comments on the 11-04-2013 Report

1-14-2014 Letter from Artaban Society President and Board Chair Sandi LaCharite

The Chancellor spoke following the decision telling council that in his view the Artaban Society representatives are a “very sincere group of volunteers who’s hearts are in the right place. The decisions made this evening were driven by the reality of the finances that have been in front of us for some time.” He reminded council that it was necessary for the representatives of the Camp Artaban Society to be heard and to be able to respond. And that this resolution only removes funding Artaban from the budget for 2014. Diocesan Council has affirmed the importance of Christian Camping through its majority support of the previous resolutions.

Resolution 4

Diocesan Council approves the participation in the Sorrento Centre Capital Campaign by matching the grant from the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada ($250K), with an additional amount to be possibly considered post Synod 2014 and Diocesan Council defers any decision about further financial support until after the reception and adoption of the strategic plans for Youth Ministry and for Christian Camping Ministry as directed by Synod 2014.

The grant is to be funded, subject to confirmation by A&F by converting the outstanding loan of the Diocese to Sorrento Centre into the grant of $250,000.

Treasurer Bob Hardy gave some context to the recent loan to Sorrento Centre authorized by Council. The money loaned to Sorrento Centre was seed money to begin their current Capital Campaign. The loan agreed upon was up to $250,000 and currently they have received the $250,000 and they have been paying on that loan to the Diocese of New Westminster as money comes into the Centre as a result of the campaign. This motion commits the $250,000 which has already been distributed by the diocese and is part of diocesan expenditures planned for the current budget but it will be money granted in partnership with the National Church. As with Resolution 3 regarding Artaban the resolution leaves the door open that further funding may follow. At present the General Synod grant is the only other grant currently made to Sorrento Centre. No other dioceses have made grants.

The MOTION was carried

The results of these decisions affirms the diocesan view of the importance of Youth Ministry and of Christian Camping Ministry. And also focuses on the most effective use of diocesan resources currently available pending the reports to be brought before Council in April of 2014 by the two working groups to be appointed by the Diocesan Administrator to be brought before Council in April of 2014.

A&F/G&L Standing Committee Structure
Legal Registrar Don Paul led council through the document and the decision that council will be asked to make merging two committees.
The proposal is to merge the two committees into one, dissolve the Grants and Loans Committee (G&L) and move all of its authority to Administration and Finance (A&F). The Precis lays out Council’s powers to do this. All of the powers of G&L will be delegated by Diocesan Council to A&F. There is a proposal to change the name of the committee but that can only be done by Synod

The Motion was carried.



White Paper Implementation Working Group – Terms of Reference

Suggested Motion: THAT Diocesan Council approves the recommended Terms of Reference of the ‘White Paper’ on Diocesan Reorganization and Restructuring Implementation Working Group.

Archdeacon Douglas Fenton outlined the information from the linked document. The purpose of the working group is to work through the resolutions and put a structure in place for implementation, then these will be presented to the diocesan legal team who will write the rules after the first part of the work is completed.

There will be an interim report from this group presented to council prior to Synod 2014.
A question was raised by the Reverend Stephen Muir, North Vancouver Deanery rep., about the proposed changes coming via the Boundaries Task Force which will bring a motion at the February meetings and if approved will increase the number of Archdeaconries from 5 to 6. The Chancellor responded that the White Paper Implementation Working Group would simply adjust to that new reality. Stephen raised another question about the disbanding of current standing committees and how that impending circumstance was not debated at Synod nor has there been an opportunity for those committees to state their cases for continued existence. The Chancellor responded that those interested in making a case for the continuation of those committees (specifically the Stewardship and Gift Development Committee) would need to connect with the members of the White Paper Implementation Working Group.

The MOTION was carried.

At 8:22 Treasurer Bob Hardy moved that council go In Camera
Council resumed in regular session at 9:13pm

Consecration Working Group
The Venerable Douglas Fenton reported on the first meeting of the Consecration Planning Committee held on Friday, January 10th at Christ Church Cathedral.
The Ordination & Consectation and Installation is one liturgy in two locations. It will commence in one of the large downstairs rooms at the Vancouver Convention Centre (VCC) which will be transformed into a liturgical worship space. The current start time is 1pm (TBC) at the VCC. At the conclusion of the first part of the liturgy there will be a procession south on Burrard Street to the Cathedral where the second part of the liturgy the Installation will take place. Randy Murray, communications officer for the diocese is currently in discussions with the City of Vancouver relating to the procession.
The Bishop-elect suggested that the theme be one of Renewal. In her view it is important to stress that this events marks a continuation of what has already been.
The Reverend Dr. Richard Leggett who is charged with leading the liturgical development of this historical event advised council that there will be liturgical resources developed for the Sunday morning following, March 2nd, 2014.

St Margaret’s of Scotland/St John, Port Moody Merger
The Legal Registrar Don Paul reported on the 21 page document that had been made available to council on the evening of January 13th, and presented a very brief overview. He said that he did not expect that council members have read the material but when they do to please phone or email him asap with any questions so that all questions can be answered prior to the decision being made at the February 11th DC meeting.

The merger is planned to occur on St. Valentine’s Day, 2014. Both parishes will have Vestry Meetings on February 2nd at which time formal voting on the merger by each parish will take place.

Closing…The Chancellor asked if the 6:30pm start time was working for everyone and there was general assent to that request.
At 9:35pm the Chancellor adjourned the meeting.
Next meeting of Diocesan Council will be February 11th, 6:30pm at St. Augustine’s, Marpole.


  • Top and homepage, The Reverend Georgina Harris, Phil Colvin (outgoing Diocesan Youth Ministry Coordinator) and the Reverend Janice Lowell prepare their papers during dinner.
  • The Chancellor on the left chaired the meeting, and on the right, Legal Registrar, Don Paul
  • Prof. Starr Allaby, the Reverends Clarence Li, Stephen Muir and Vivian Lam enjoy sandwiches just prior to the commencement of the meeting
  • Belinda Kishimoto and Tony Sauder
  • Council
  • The Reverend Stephen Muir
  • St. Margaret's of Scotland's Bishop's Warden, David Nash and Archdeacon of Westminster and Rector of St. John the Apostle, Port Moody, the Venerable Grant Rodgers listen intently while Don Paul discusses the merger of their two parishes

Diocesan Council is the decision making, governing body of the Diocese of New Westminster consisting of: the Diocesan Officers (Bishop, Dean, Executive Archdeacon, Chancellor, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer) the Archdeacons of the five Archdeaconries, the Archdeacon who is the Director of Deacons, two additional Diocesan Legal Officers, (Registrar and Legal Assessor), a Lay Secretary, a Clergy Secretary, the chairs of the Diocesan Standing Committees

There are two Deanery reps either Ordained or Lay. Sometimes Deaneries have two lay reps and sometimes two clergy reps, sometimes one of each. A Deanery is a group of churches, geographically affiliated and the reps are elected at the Annual Synod Meeting.

Synod Staff also attend meetings but are not members of Diocesan Council. They include: Business Administrator, Stewardship and Planned Giving Officer, Comptroller, Youth Coordinator and Communications Officer (and other staff as required).

Diocesan Synod consists of all the active clergy in the Diocese of New Westminster and 2-6 lay people elected from each diocesan parish proportionate to the size of the parish community.

Diocesan Council functions as the Synod between Synods, it is a representation of the large group that meets annually.

Diocesan Council and Diocesan Synod are both chaired by the Bishop.

Diocesan Council meets monthly on the second Tuesday of the month in the evening, usually at St. Augustine, Marpole. Diocesan Council is adjourned for the months of July and August.