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Many Diocesan Council members arrived at St. Augustine’s, Marpole by 6pm to partake in what is now becoming the “traditional” sandwich dinner. This dinner would be special and memorable as within the context of the meal there were opportunities to “Meet & Greet” Bishop Melissa and welcome her to her first Diocesan Council Meeting.

The Executive Archdeacon of the Diocese, the Venerable Douglas Fenton sent regrets as he was attending a conference in Fairbanks, Alaska so the Dean of the Diocese and Rector of Christ Church Cathedral, the Very Reverend Peter Elliott sat to the Bishop’s right and the Chancellor, George Cadman, QC sat to her left and the two of them assisted Bishop Melissa as she chaired the meeting for the first time.

Bishop Melissa began the meeting by welcoming everyone and thanking them for welcoming her.

She thanked everyone for the Consecration liturgy. She said that for her it was one of the best experiences of her life. Bishop Melissa made particular mention of the visitors from the United States; her family, friends, former parishioners and colleagues from the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia and beyond had a wonderful experience. They very much enjoyed the worship and were particularly moved by the tone of the event.

The Bishop gave Council a short synopsis of her first week, including her attendance at the Consecration of Logan McMenamie in Victoria and at the Provincial House of Bishops meetings that followed.

Before coming across the border to begin her new ministry in Canada, Bishop Melissa wanted to attend to some medical details. She needed to get her eyesight checked and a bone spur removed from her foot, which has made her aware of the words (and their meanings) “Vision and Mobility”, and how these two words connect with the work that we have to do in our shared ministry.

“How do we walk together, how do we help each other when we stumble…and how do we run the race before us.”

Bishop Melissa reflected on events that have brought her to the Diocese of New Westminster and she said,

“Our coming together is not accidental…it is providential”

After speaking to Council for a few minutes, Bishop Melissa asked that all present identify themselves.    

Following the introductions of Council, Bishop Melissa opened with prayer



Report on Provincial Council Meeting

Director of Mission and Ministry Development for the Diocese, the Reverend Ruth Monette gave a report on the Provincial Council Meeting (the council representing The Ecclesiastical Province of BC/Yukon). The core work of the Council is to study and discern what can be done better as a Province working together.

Looking to establish commonality is a large part of the discussions, Common work, partnership and development of some common practices that can be used by all dioceses. Safe Church practice (Screening in Faith) is a current focus. For Ruth one of the more interesting segments of Provincial Council were the reports that come from each diocese. These reports accent the differences between the dioceses and can serve to direct how the Provincial Council develops ideas and initiatives that will be of benefit to all, whether a diocese has 150 clergy or 5 clergy.

The Ecclesiastical Province has received a piece of undeveloped land in Surrey in a bequest and that piece of land has been transferred to the City of Surrey as park land. One of the conditions of the bequest is that The Ecclesiastical Province of BC/Yukon has access to the land annually, so there is a plan underway to meet at a nearby church for worship and then travel to the park location to enjoy the space.

The Reverend David Price asked a question about the educational standards for those who are local in other dioceses and who are being raised up for ordination. Ruth agreed that this is an issue where standardization of requirements at the Provincial level would be helpful.


The Minutes of 2-11-2014 were adopted as circulated.


Letter from St. John the Evangelist, North Vancouver

Letter from VST of February 26, 2014

Rob Dickson commented that the Parish of St. John, North Vancouver sent a very nice thank-you note which is a pretty unusual thing to receive at Administration and Finance Meetings. His statement produced some hearty laughter.



Audit Report, Appointment of Auditors, Financial Statements and the Budgets

Precis Year 2013 Audit ReportDraft Audit Report;  Precis Appointment of Auditors 2014

Financial Statements

Treasurer Bob Hardy thanked the Synod staff personnel who are most involved in the background work and preparation of these documents, Controller, Mark Beley and Business Administrator, Rob Dickson. Again the firm of Rolfe, Benson LLP certified that it was a ‘clean audit’, a testimony to the excellent work done by Mark Beley and overseen by Rob Dickson.

Bob drew Council’s attention to page 12 of the Financial Statements that give current information about the relationship between the Diocese of New Westminster and Camp Artaban regarding the financial relationship of the two entities.

Bob pointed out that due to the robust nature of the stock market the diocese had a “very good year” in 2013, also the sale of St. Clare-in-the-Cove closed in 2013 which gave the overall diocesan financial picture a boost.

Two questions were asked about content but the answers to the questions were found in the document.

Tony Sauder asked a question about the Pension Fund. He asked if it was “fully-funded.” Rob Dickson took some time to explain some of the current issues with the Anglican Church of Canada Pension Fund. The Pension Fund Committee with the National Church is working very hard to find solutions to the potential long term issue of underfunding, but having said that, he affirmed that the Pension Fund is solid.

George Cadman the Chancellor drew Council’s attention to the Lewis Memorial Fund which is used to supplement pension incomes when need is identified.


The MOTION to Reappoint Rolfe, Benson LLP for 2014 was also CARRIED


Treasurer Bob Hardy focused on the 2014 Revised Budget and the 2015 Vision Budget numbers.

Bob with the help of Mark Beley  and Rob Dickson took council through each section of line items, noting slight increases in various areas. He finished his brief overview by highlighting the Summary of Sources of Income.

The Diocese of New Westminster had a surplus in 2013 primarily due to the fact that the diocese did not employ a Director of Mission and Ministry Development for most of 2013 nor was there a Bishop’s stipend paid for the last four months of 2013. However this surplus will be absorbed by the costs in 2014 i.e. the cost for the Consecration of the Bishop and other costs associated with the new Episcopacy.

Over the next 20 minutes there were numerous questions for clarification regarding various line items.

Archdeacon John Stephens asked about the costs of the Diocesan Offices and how the cost of the proposed move to the Administration Building at St. John’s, Shaughnessy factors in. Rob Dickson reported that although Diocesan Council had made the decision at the February 2014 meeting to move forward with the project, most of “moving forward” consists of request for bids to do the work, which is very much a work in progress. Rob went on to advise Council that the budget for 2014 and 2015 reflect current known obligations in this area. If plans become definite there will be amendments in the future possibly for 2015.

The Reverend Clarence Li asked that a line item be created (33a) to show a budget for the Indigenous Justice Ministries initiative ($21,700) which is being funded from a different source and therefore does not show up on the Diocesan Budget as a line item.

Line 7 was amended to Regional Deans/Parish Support and Line 19a was added for Regional Deans Support.

The MOTION to approve and recommend the budget was CARRIED with the line item amendments.

Modification of Diocesan Growth Fund

Registrar Don Paul spoke to the motion before Council that arose from an administrative oversight that resulted in no reminder being issued to the parishes that their assessment for the Growth Fund was going up in 2014 after a two year hiatus. The purpose of the resolution is to take the reductions that were granted in 2012 and 2013 and bring them forward for 2014 as well as a way of giving adequate notice to parishes affected.

The Reverend Stephen Muir wryly asked if there was a mechanism in place to make sure that parishes are reminded about the assessment going up for 2015. This witticism was much appreciated by Council.

Based on concerns raised by the Reverend Dr. Richard Leggett a summary of the history of the Diocesan Growth fund was presented to Council extemporaneously by the Dean, the Business Administrator, and the Controller of the diocese.



Church of the Epiphany – Request to incorporate Parish

The Anglican Church of the Epiphany is looking to build a new church and with that goal comes a number of reasons why incorporation of the parish would be beneficial.

Registrar Don Paul took Council through the general information about Incorporation of a Parish. He said that this is “pretty standard stuff for incorporation in this diocese.”

There were a number of concerns about the use of anachronistic language to do with gender. The statutes are from 1893 and some work should be done to bring gender neutral language into the statutes.  The Chancellor and Registrar both agreed but cautioned that the expense of doing this kind of legal work and then registering the new statutes with Registrar of Companies would be costly.



White Paper Implementation Task Force – Progress Report

The Reverend Ruth Monette presented the progress report.

Her report focused on the set of resolutions passed at Synod last May that reorganizes the governance structures of the Diocese.

The first part of the restructuring is that the diocese will alternate years between a Synod and a Mission Conference (a conference open to the entire diocese). The Synods will be held on odd years . At Synod, budgets will be developed and passed for two years.

The Mission Conference on even years would be the responsibility of the Director for Mission and Ministry Development and the Chair of the Committee on Mission and Ministry. They would strike a team to plan the event.

Ruth then went over the details of the restructuring of Diocesan Council, the frequency of meetings (currently proposed four a year) and the establishment of the two standing committees.

Management (Property and Financial Oversight) and Mission and Ministry.

An Executive Steering Committee will meet more often than Diocesan Council to deal with current and immediate issues.

Diocesan Council will be made up of the following Membership and these positions.

·         Bishop

·         Chancellor

·         Treasurer (who is also Chair of the Management Committee) or Assistant Treasurer

·         Registrar OR Legal Assessor

·         Dean/Archdeacons – two from their number per two year term

·         Chair of Mission and Ministry Committee

·         12 members – two from each Archdeaconry, 1 clergy, 1 lay (12)

·         2 Youth Members

·         Participating as members with voice but no vote

1.      Executive Archdeacon

2.      Diocesan Business Administrator

3.      Director for Mission and Ministry Development

4.      Controller

5.      Communications Officer

6.      Recording Secretary (Synod Staff Member)

Steering Committee (Executive)

·         Bishop

·         Chancellor, Registrar or Legal Assessor

·         Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer

·         Chair of Ministry and Mission

·         3 members elected from the membership of Diocesan Council, such three to be elected by the full Diocesan Council

The current system of Standing Committees will be dissolved at the start of Synod in May 2014. Under the new Standing Committees, task forces and working groups comprised of people from around the diocese with particular skills and interests will be struck on an as needed basis to accomplish specific tasks and projects.



Nominations – The Reverend Heidi Brear/The Reverend Kelly Duncan (Co-chairs)

Resolutions: The Venerable John Struthers

Returning Officer: Mr. David Rolfe

Messages: The Reverend Margaret Sherwood

Memorials: The Reverend Alain-Michel Rocheleau

Thanks: (awaiting confirmation)

Credentials: Mr. Don Paul, plus one other lay member and two clerical members

Constitution and Canons: Mr. Donald Paul

Registration Committee: The Lay Secretary convenes this Committee with at least 3 lay delegates to Synod.

Some additional business for discussion was proposed so…

Council move IN CAMERA at 8:58pm

Council moved EX CAMERA at 9:12pm

During the In Camera session, the Bishop gave her assent to the Resolution passed In Camera during the February 11, 2014, meeting approving the plan to continue with the arrangements to move the Synod Office from Downtown Vancouver to the Administration Building located at St. John’s, Shaughnessy. Relocation of the Diocesan offices remains subject to final approval by Diocesan Council of all financial and legal arrangements. It is expected that a further report will come back to Council at either the April or May meeting of Council.

Adjournment 9:18pm.


·         The Bishop and the Chancellor chat before the meeting

·         Legal Assessor, Jennifer Dezell and Deanery Rep., the Reverend Vivian Lam prepare for the meeting over sandwiches

·         Members of Council and the two secretaries listen to the Bishop’s welcome

·         Treasurer Bob Hardy and Diocesan Business Administrator Rob Dickson were very involved in the March meeting where the finances of the diocese are examined

·         Members of Council listen carefully to the Budget presentation

·         Diocesan Controller, Mark Beley and Bob Hardy explain some details around the Diocesan Growth Fund.

·         Director for Mission and Ministry Development, the Reverend Ruth Monette and the Yale Deanery Rep., the Reverend Dave Price visit during the break.

·         Bishop Melissa Skelton meets members of Diocesan Council during the break.


Diocesan Council is the decision making, governing body of the Diocese of New Westminster consisting of: the Diocesan Officers (Bishop, Dean, Executive Archdeacon, Chancellor, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer) the Archdeacons of the five Archdeaconries, the Archdeacon who is the Director of Deacons, two additional Diocesan Legal Officers, (Registrar and Legal Assessor), a Lay Secretary, a Clergy Secretary, the chairs of the Diocesan Standing Committee.

There are two Deanery reps either Ordained or Lay. Sometimes Deaneries have two lay reps and sometimes two clergy reps, sometimes one of each. A Deanery is a group of churches, geographically affiliated and the reps are elected at the Annual Synod Meeting.

Synod Staff also attend meetings but are not members of Diocesan Council. They include: Business Administrator, Stewardship and Planned Giving Officer, Comptroller, Youth Coordinator and Communications Officer (and other staff as required).

Diocesan Synod consists of all the active clergy in the Diocese of New Westminster and 2-6 lay people elected from each diocesan parish proportionate to the size of the parish community.

Diocesan Council functions as the Synod between Synods, it is a representation of the large group that meets annually.

Diocesan Council and Diocesan Synod are both chaired by the Bishop.

Diocesan Council meets monthly on the second Tuesday of the month in the evening, usually at St. Augustine, Marpole. Diocesan Council is adjourned for the months of July and August.