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DC went on the road for the first time in many months as the October 2012 meeting of the diocesan governing body was held at St. Matthew, Abbotsford.

1. OPENING - Welcome

The Executive Archdeacon, The Ven. Ronald Harrison was the Bishop’s Commissary and Chair for this meeting.
Ronald conveyed Bishop Michael’s regrets. The Bishop had just returned from Canterbury and the annual Compass Rose Society meetings. In keeping with the season, the Archdeacon opened the meeting with the collect for Harvest Thanksgiving.

The Archdeacon introduced The Rev. Allen Doerksen, Bishop’s Missioner to the Central Fraser Valley and Priest at St. Matthew. Allen recalled his childhood in Abbotsford as a member of the “Mennonite Tribe” in Abbotsford and as a young person he knew that the “Anglican Tribe” was a very active part of the Christian Community. He used the term “Tribe” not in an anti-ecumenical way but as a way of defining a church that has changed and now lives a “principled pluralism.” The emergence of the worshipping community at St. Matthew, Abbotsford is an exciting and challenging event. Those who are new to Anglican worship or worship in general and are in the beginning stages of their journey of faith find a place in this community.
Allen takes heart that this can be a place where art and beauty can flourish in what many would see as a very pragmatic suburban community.
St. Matthew is a mission church of the diocese and Allen is very grateful for the support of the diocese and he is confident that the time will come when this community can be self-sustaining.

The Minutes of September 11th were adopted as circulated

Although not in the package, a letter was received from VST addressed to Archdeacon Harrison thanking the diocese for the quarterly payment toward the diocese's annual donation.

6.1 Report by Ordained Ministry Division (OMD)


The Rev. Clarence Li, Chair of OMD gave some background on the development of the policy document from early drafts through to the current revision. The revision was developed to reflect the mission of the diocese.
The Rev. Dr. Richard Leggett was then asked to speak to the current revision which he had authored. He began by saying that the current document has significantly less commentary and is more concise than the earlier drafts. In a 10 minute presentation he pointed out the salient points of the policy. Click to download the policy. OMD has worked on this for two and a half years.

Motion for Diocesan Council:
THAT Diocesan Council approves and endorses the Document named “Non-Stipendiary Priests in the Diocese of New Westminster – Proposed Policy - dated September 2012” as Diocesan Policy.
The MOTION was carried.

The Chancellor, George Cadman thanked Richard and Clarence for this “great work” and he pointed out that there are not very many dioceses in the National Church that have such a policy in place.

6.2 Sorrento Centre Loan Request- Support for start-up loan

Treasurer Ian Robertson gave some background on the proposed loan of $250,000 for start-up funding to begin a Capital Campaign of Sorrento Centre to raise $6.25 million.
The loan was requested in order to start the “silent phase” of the campaign. This phase involves in large part the work done by professional fundraisers preparing the materials and the strategies to begin the work of development. This phase of the campaign is scheduled to begin in January of 2013.
The loan has been secured by the diocese using standard processes of a mortgage loan with an annual interest rate of 6% versus 1.5% above prime. The loan will come from funds in the CTF and is viewed as an investment.
Although A&F passed a motion to grant the loan and that was concurred with by G&L the diocesan financial committees decided to bring a Motion to DC for DC to confirm its agreement with the loan. Which resulted in the following Resolution

Diocesan Council confirms its agreement with the making of the loan to Sorrento Centre as set out in the motion of A&F of September 25, 2012 (the “A&F Authorizing Motion”) and authorizes the loan to proceed:
(a) under the provisions of Regulation 11 Section 2.3(6) and Regulation 16 Section 3.2 which give mortgage investment power to the Administration and Finance Committee;
(b) in accordance with the A&F Authorizing Motion; and
(c) subject to final terms and security being acceptable to at least 2 of the Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Business Administrator and at least one of the Legal Assessor, Registrar or Chancellor;
without further reference to Diocesan Council.

The MOTION was carried.

6.3 Report from Compensation Sub-Committee

Diocesan Business Administrator Rob Dickson spoke to the Clergy Compensation Sub-Committee recommendations for 2013.
From the Motion of September 25th, 2012 meeting of A&F Committee, it is recommended that Diocesan Council approves the following Motion:

 THAT Diocesan Council approves:
(1) That the minimum clergy stipend scales including the Supply Clergy Scale be increased 1.1% for the year 2013 with the First year minimum scale of schedule A to be increased 1.5% and all minimums to be rounded to the nearest $25.00.
(2) That the Range Grid of Schedule B be increased 1.1% for 2013.
(3) That the Transportation Allowance be increas
ed 2.2%.
(4) That the Diocesan Area Housing Guidelines be amended to reflect current information from CMHC including
the four area rate modifications noted.
(5) That the Performance Factor in Schedule B
be unfrozen and be allowed to move between 50 points and 150 points.
(6) That the Performance Factor be set at 0 if the P
arish incumbent does not participate in an annual performance review and set at 150 points if the Parish leadership does not participate in an annual review of the incumbent.

A discussion was begun by The Rev. Dr. Richard Leggett to do with Item 6 in the Motion about Performance reviews.
The Reverend David Price asked if the diocesan instruments for conducting Performance Reviews are up-to-date.
The spirit of Item 6 is that if one side wants a review and the other doesn’t then the party putting up the “roadblock” is penalized.
Members of DC were divided about Items 5 and 6 and some were concerned about the outcomes of such a policy.
As uncertainty existed about Items 5 and 6, the Motion was divided into two Motions, 1-4 and 5 and 6.
The MOTION as regards to Items 1-4 was carried.

A new MOTION was moved, seconded and carried to refer Items 5 and 6 to OMD for review with a report presented to Diocesan Council for the February 2013 meeting.

6.4 Motion concerning St. Margaret Cedar Cottage, Coast Foundation Society and BC Housing

Don Paul, Legal Registrar for the diocese provided background on the long term lease over lands owned by The Parish of St. Margaret to Coast Foundation Society. In order that some work can be done with funding provided by BC Housing documents must be completed in order to meet legal requirements, and consent given by Diocesan Council
The MOTION was carried

6.5 Synod Motion 11 – Change in closing time of nominations at Synod

A Motion was made at Synod to allow the submission of  nominations up until 2pm on the first day of Synod from the current, one week prior. The challenge is that nominations for diocesan leadership positions must be in a week before Synod but the mover and seconder of the Motion believe that Synod is not always on the minds of all delegates and potential leaders until they are present and involved in Synod.
Motion 11: That the current practice of closing nominations one week before Synod be altered so that nominations may be submitted until 2pm on the first day before voting.
The MOTION was carried by a narrow margin
(In the case of a one day Synod, nominations need to be received at 2pm on the day before the one day Synod)


8.1 Monthly Financial Statements – August 2012
Controller Mark Beley pointed out in the Executive Summary that there was a small surplus reported in August and that investments in CTF have risen.
8.2 Update of Motion #2 of Synod – Diocesan Investments in Kinder Morgan and Enbridge
Treasurer Ian Robertson restated much of the information that was made public on the diocesan website, September 17th, 2012. Please click the link to access.

Motion to Adjourn 9:45pm
Images: Top left, Father Allen Doerksen has a chance to speak with diocesan controller, Mark Beley.  Upper Middle and Homepage, The Bishop's Commissary and Chair for the October 9th, 2012 meeting, The Venerable Ronald Harrison confers with Chancellor, George Cadman. Upper Middle Right, The Reverend Dr. Richard Leggett points out the important revisions to the final version of The Policy on Non-Stipendary Priests. Middle, Lay Deanery Reps, Belinda Kishimoto and Jack Blanchford. Lower Left, Registrar Don Paul. Lower, Business Administrator, Rob Dickson and Treasurer, Ian Robertson.
Diocesan Council is the decision making, governing body of the Diocese of New Westminster consisting of:
the Diocesan Officers (Bishop, Dean, Executive Archdeacon, Chancellor, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer)
the Archdeacons of the five Archdeaconries
the Archdeacon who is the Director of Deacons
two additional Diocesan Legal Officers, (Registrar and Legal Assessor)
a Lay Secretary, a Clergy Secretary,
the chairs of the Diocesan Standing Committees
there are two Deanery reps either Ordained or Lay. Sometimes Deaneries have two lay reps and sometimes two clergy reps, sometimes one of each. A Deanery is a group of churches, geographically affiliated and the reps are elected at the Annual Synod Meeting.
Synod Staff also attend meetings but are not members of Diocesan Council. They include: Business Administrator, Director of Planned Giving, Comptroller, Youth Coordinator and Communications Officer (and other staff as required).
Diocesan Synod consists of all the active clergy in the Diocese of New Westminster and 2-6 lay people elected from each diocesan parish proportionate to the size of the parish community.
Diocesan Council functions as the Synod between Synods, it is a representation of the large group that meets annually.
Diocesan Council and Diocesan Synod are both chaired by the Bishop.

Diocesan Council meets monthly on the second Tuesday of the month usually at St. Augustine, Marpole at 7:30pm. Diocesan Council is adjourned for the months of July and August.