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With the Feast of the Epiphany transferred to Sunday, January 5, 2020 it was the day that Christ Church Cathedral presented their annual Epiphany Pageant. The pageant takes place at the beginning of the Sunday 10:30am Eucharist on Epiphany Sunday.  

Many thanks to Jane Dittrich for these photos.

  1. The procession of clergy, servers and pageant participants getting ready to begin the pageant that began the Epiphany Sunday Eucharist.
  2. Interim priest-in-charge, the Rev. Canon Dr. Richard Lesueur & Deacon, the Rev Alisdair Smith (dressed as Herrod) having some fun during the pageant rehearsal. Is that straw or draperies?
  3. Longtime CCC parishioner and lay leader, Dr. Heather Jessup and her son Francis ready for their roles as sheep in the pageant.  
  4. Interim Canon Dr Richard Lesueu, Darcy of the building staff & Rev Alisdair Smith set up the stage for the Epiphany Pageant.