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Friends in Christ, 

    The Territory of the People has been reeling from the revelations about residential burial sites and the necessary resignation of their bishop.  Now they are faced with the disastrous fire in Lytton that has destroyed most of the town including both of Anglican churches, one an historic building.  People had only minutes to leave their homes.

    I am grateful to see on Facebook that Melanie Delva made it to safety, leaving as the roof of her home was already burning.  We wait for news of other Anglicans in the community as many are scattered as they fled for shelter in nearby towns or with relatives. 

Attached is the letter to the Territory from the steering committee that is leading the diocese at present.  Please remember them and all the people in your prayers.  

The Territory is receiving donations to be able to offer emergency cash through the clergy to those who are in need.  

Please send to:   Territory of the People   360 Nicola Street  Kamloops, BC V2C 2P5.

This is the time when Christian community reveals its strength and depth in offering support now and through the coming months.   

May God grant courage and strength to the Territory - as has been shown in the past - and may God’s love pour down on all those bereft and weary this night. 

        In Christ,  


A Prayer: Lytton Fire
O God, you are our refuge and our strength, our help in times of trouble:
Have mercy on the lands and communities devastated by fires, and especially the people of the village of Lytton and Lytton First Nations.
Have mercy on those who have lost homes and livelihoods.
Protect those who have had to evacuate.
Bless and keep safe all firefighters.
And strengthen those who seek to rebuild hope that all may face the future without fear.
We pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Saviour.