Lucy talked about the inception of Messy Church and spoke of “Fresh Expressions” as an inspiration for this program that addresses the needs of families in the wider community.
Fresh Expressions of Church is a term coined by the Church of England report Mission-shaped Church and used in the Church of England … for the last five years,” says Bishop Graham Clay, Archbishop Rowan Williams’ Missioner and Leader of the Fresh Expressions Team. Bishop Clay continues to say, that “Fresh Expressions are: missional, incarnational, educational and ecclesial and together create a form of church for our changing culture, established primarily for the benefit of people who are not yet members of any church.”

According to Lucy Moore, Messy Church is one form of Fresh Expression that calls people together in a new way.

It was a great privilege to share in Lucy’s western Canada Messy Church journey; she made us laugh, think, continue dialogues, and offered encouragement. Lucy Moore’s blog about her trek to Canada in search of the Spirit and a least one bear can be found by clicking the link.
All Saints, Ladner Incumbent, the Rev. Elizabeth Northcott welcomes Lucy Moore and Messy Church to Canada