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On Saturday May 10th, 2014, author Troy Stevens and St. Thomas Anglican Church, Chilliwack were presented with "The Chilliwack Heritage Award' from the the Chilliwack Museum and Historical Society in recognition of the book written and prepared in honour of St. Thomas's 140th anniversary celebrations in 2013. The Reverend Jennifer Burgoyne, Deacon of St. Thomas's received the award on the parish's behalf.

The book took many hours to write and contains many photographs and graphics. It is not only an history of St. Thomas as it includes a good deal of early Chilliwack history.

Those wishing a copy of the book should contact St. Thomas. Books are $25 and that includes shipping.

Images: Top and homepage, Troy Stevens at the mic accepting the award with the Reverend Jennifer Burgoyne on the fight. Below the framed citation.