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The Anglican and Lutheran worshipping communities of St. David and St. Paul and Faith Lutheran in Powell River celebrated the Eucharist together, May 1st, 2011 in recognition of 10 years of the Waterloo Declaration that brought the two denominations into Full Communion with one another.
The Reverend Adela Torchia of St. David and St. Paul  reported that "it was a very positive experience, with much joy and warm fellowship."
For the liturgy Adela and Pastor Carol Dennison used the readings and service recommendations that were produced by the two national offices for this milestone. Hymns and other components of the service were equally distributed between the two denominations. Each section of the liturgy was shared by members of both worshipping communities.
For this occasion the Faith Lutheran congregation accepted the Anglican invitiation for the 10th anniversary celebration and the plan is for the St. David and St. Paul congregation to visit Faith Lutheran
for worship on the last Sunday of October. There are also plans in the works by the St. David and St. Paul Parish Council to host the Faith Lutheran Parish Council for a Summer barbecue.
Images by Warren Wiley: Above left, Pastor Carol Dennison, preaching. Below top, the combined choirs. Below bottom. Pastor Carol and Reverend Adela at Coffee Hour.