Many thanks to Jane Dittrich of Christ Church Cathedral for submitting these photos that capture the look and feel of the 2022 Pride Service at the diocesan Cathedral.

The Cathedral’s Dean and Rector the Very Rev. Christopher Pappas outside of the Cathedral’s main doors with greeters
Lorna Orr and Nasim Mehregan before the 10:30 service
IMAGES in the top scroll
- Lauren Odile Pinkney (the Cathedral’s Children, Youth and Family minister) with her summer support staffer Alysha Creighton
- The Cathedral’s new Vicar, the Rev. Areeta Bridgemohan with the Cathedral’s Event Coordinator Jeremy Smith in the narthex pre liturgy
- Greeting team leader Jane Dittrich setting up the narthex prior to the 10:30 liturgy
- Young Cathedral parishioner Eamon in the narthex during the recessional hymn
- Rev Clare Morgan, Rev Melanie Calabrigo and the Rev Alisdair Smith grooving to guest musician Willy Miles-Grenzberg’s version of Lady GaGa’s “Born This Way” following the 10:30 service
- Outdoor coffee hour