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The new RAWWG webpages are up and running. RAWWG is the acronym for Renewing Anglican Worship Working Group and the formation and development of this group of committed people is an active response to one of the 10 Mission Priorites of the Plan 2018 Strategic Plan. The page can be found from the homepage here by moving the cursor to About Our Diocese on the naviagation bar, then to Supporting Parishes and finally to Renewing Anglican Worship Working Group and click you are there. We will have quick link navigation button located in the left pane soon but for now click RAWWG.

In February of 2009 Bishop Michael Ingham sent out letters to 6 recipients inviting them to consider accepting his appointment to a new Bishop’s Commission on Liturgy.
The Liturgical Commissions of the past had done stellar work within the worship life of the Diocese of New Westminster with the most recent version of the Liturgy Commission having completed its work in 2008.
Since then, the Strategic Planning team organized numerous meetings and events where people from every part of the diocese were encouraged to share their ideas about how they would like to see God’s Mission through the church develop as we move toward the year 2018.
There are four pages and two side panels active at the moment.
Here is what you can expect to see...
Page 1 - Brief History and Overview
Page 2 - The Current Members of the RAWWG
Page 3 - Church Depot Day, November 21, 2009
Page 4 - Links and resources - Fabulous sites for renewing worship.