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Restoration of Hope for the City after the Stanley Cup Riot

Dean Peter Elliott has a vision that the Cathedral community offer an alternate response on the anniversary of the Stanley Cup Riot with a focus on restorative justice.
The Cathedral Parish will make room in the chancel to display eight plywood hoarding boards that covered damaged windows on Georgia Street. These boards are on loan from The Museum of Vancouver.
For a week or so after the June 15th riot, Vancouverites gathered around the boards and poured out their emotions by writing their feelings on the rough surfaces of the plywood.

Depending on volunteer support the boards will be available for viewing, four days – Thursday June 14 to Sunday June 17.
The proposed times are:

Thursday June 14th
8am - 9pm

Friday June 15th
8am - 9pm. Including a service of music and reflection 12noon-12:45pm

Saturday June 16th
9:30am - 4:30 pm

Sunday June 17th
12noon - 8pm

Check the Cathedral Website to confirm this schedule