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The Venerable Richard Leggett, Vicar of Holy Trinity Cathedral, Vancouver has retired as Archdeacon of Westminster.

Sometimes the honorific is maintained sometimes not, so he could be the Reverend Richard Leggett.

Richard's service to the Diocese of New Westminster over the past decades has been skilfull, generous, informed, pastoral, incredibly helpful, supportive and much more.

On Thursday, April 13 at the regularly scheduled meeting of the senior leadership of the diocese (Bishop, Archdeacons, Diocesan Dean and senior Synod office staff), Richard's colleagues helped celebrate this milestone with a cake.

Behind Richard, the new Archdeacon of Westminster, the Venerable Ruth Monette is visible. Archdeacon Ruth was collated at the April 4, Chrism Mass, presented by Dean Chris Pappas and collated by Bishop Stephens.

Richard will retire from his current ministry position as Vicar of Holy Trinity at the end of 2023.

Thanks to the Venerable Stephen Muir, Archdeacon of Capilano for these 7 photos chronicling the cutting and serving of the cake.