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By 9:40am Griffith’s Hall at Holy Trinity, White Rock was filled to capacity. Over 120 people were in attendance from four churches (Holy Trinity, White Rock, Anglican Church of the Epiphany, Surrey, St. George’s, Fort Langley and St. Mark’s, Ocean Park) for the first of a series of Sexual Misconduct Policy Workshops to be held in the Fraser Archdeaconry. Other workshops have been held and will be held in other parts of the diocese over the next months.

The Workshop opened with prayer offered by Regional Dean and Rector of St. Mark’s Ocean Park, the Rev. Craig Tanksley.
Following the prayer he set the tone of the day by making reference to Romans 12 v 1-2
Craig thanked St. Mark’s, Ocean Park Warden, Barbara Carington Smith who is the principal organizer of these workshops. The excellent attendance at this the first event has a great deal to do with her hard work.
Craig opened with prayer.
Then he read Bishop Michael’s letter that prefaces these meetings and puts things in context. Click the link to download.
The workshop was facilitated by Richard Philips, an RCMP constable in the Plain Clothes division and a member of St. Mark’s Ocean Park.
Richard’s first line got a big laugh from the capacity crowd. “Thank-you for making the time today to be at this mandatory training session.”
To paraphrase his introductory remarks, he told that group that ‘Sexual Misconduct is a pretty dark subject but the objective today is to try and raise awareness that everyone can take back to their parishes, and open up the lines of communication which will help to make our parishes run smoothly.’
The Agenda was well organized and included in broad strokes information needed to equip people with sufficient knowledge to follow the Policy and respond in the best possible ways, to mitigate potentially serious situations and to protect everyone in our communities particularly the most vulnerable.

The three main types of Sexual Misconduct are:
1. Harassment
2. Exploitation
3. Assault/Abuse

The first group exercise that Richard took the group through was a list of Sexual Misconduct: Facts and Myths examining a variety of existing ideas and misconceptions about Sexual Misconduct.
Next Richard brought to the attention of the group the Sexual Misconduct Policy brochure and the May 2012 Sexual Misconduct Policy document. In summary form Richard guided the group through the definitions of Sexual Misconduct from menacing words, demeaning words through to intentional use of force to commit a sexual abuse.
The following film was then shown. (Click the link)
Sexual Misconduct: Learn to Spot it: Learn to Stop it.
During the film dedicated points where the film is to be paused for discussion were used to create participation. Richard facilitated these sections.
A common remedy or action for the scenarios portrayed is often to immediately inform others of the event, particularly those who are in authority. The other common theme is to avoid situations where there are only two people present, particularly when one is in a superior position to the other. We need to plan meetings and events keeping in mind adherence to the Policy.
The subject of unsolicited, unwanted physical contact in the form of hugging produced a very lively discussion. In many parishes hugging at the Peace is a common practice and in some parishes, everyone hugs. The fist bump and high five can be a good alternative to a handshake or a hug. Everyone needs to do their best to see the signs and "read the room."
Following the film and the discussion of the various scenarios outlined in the film, Richard brought the attention of the group to the Sexual Misconduct Policy Action Plan and the Acknowledgment Form contained in the hard copy package given out upon registrations to those in attendance. The first is a template for developing ministry practices and creating a safe place for all but particularly children and vulnerable adults and the second is a form kept on file at the parish as proof that the individual has attended a Sexual Misconduct Policy workshop.

Due to the very good work of Barbara and Richard the workshop ended 40 minutes ahead of schedule allowing the 120 participants early access to a sunny Saturday.

Images: Top, Constable Richard Philips was the workshop leader. Upper left, Griffith's Hall and the participants. Middle right, The Reverend Craig Tanksley. Lower left, Barbara Carington Smith and Richard screen the film. Below and homepage, the plenary watching the film.