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Just prior to the beginning of the Canada Day weekend, Friday, June 30, 2023, under a warm summer sky in West Vancouver a water taxi took 19 ACW members from St. Michael’s, Multicultural (SMM), plus Bishop Alex Wandag, a retired Filipino bishop, to Camp Artaban.

After receiving a warm welcome from all the staff at the dock, the 19 settled down in assigned cabins, and proceeded to the first activity which was going to the dining room for dinner.  After sharing expectations about the retreat and attending Compline at 9pm, all retired to their cabins for the night.

On Day Two, most woke early to enjoy the nature on Gambier Island: tall trees, crowded ferns, a nice breeze, water, a drop of golden sun and big oysters! A topic for discussion that morning was the unfamiliar quietness and the pitch-dark night.

A rich and deep spiritual session led by Bishop Alex in the morning was all about God’s World and Life’s Journey.  He started the session with,

“Life on earth is a continued journey that keeps going on 
until we fall and go back to the dust and 
join the great retreat to our creator and maker.”

He explained how human beings are deeply connected to nature and offered examples. The seven pages of material the bishop distributed were comprehensive, prompting the suggestion that it be used as a year(s)-long study.  Even a squirrel came into the meeting room to listen. Bishop Alex emphasized how important it is to have Retreats, because a “Retreat is like a ‘Viewpoint’ on a road.  You stop to look back, rest and refresh yourself before moving forward.”  It’s so true.  It is often more difficult for the women of SMM’s busy ACW to find the time and space to do this. Continuing to attend annual Retreats was a strong recommendation from the 19 at Camp Artaban.

After the tasty pasta and garlic bread dinner, Camp Artaban kitchen staff served a big cake with a red maple leaf on it to celebrate Canada Day.

Following Compline, reflections, and evaluations on the ACW’s very first Retreat since its formation at SMM over 10 years ago were shared.  One of the First Nation traditions, the “Sacred Circle” was respectfully adopted by the group.  This tradition ensures that everyone gets to speak without interruption, at their own pace, for as long as they need.  During the planning of the Camp Artaban Retreat there were concerns about how the event would unfold.  Worries proved to be unfounded.  The reflections were nothing but positive.  It felt as spirit filled as the Feast of Pentecost. The response was so positive that all agreed to come back again next summer!

The third day was Sunday, with Eucharist celebrated at the outdoor chapel which the group dubbed “The Cathedral”.  Another animal guest, a deer, showed up during the worship. 

Being filled with the Spirit by the Word of God and God’s World the 19 said good-bye to the staff who had accommodated all requests on the spot and gathered on the wharf to wave goodbye - thanks to all of you.  In parting, Nancy Ferris expressed the wish that the group could have stayed longer.  All heartily agreed, and pledged to see her see again, next summer, at SMM ACW Retreat #2.

It’s the beauty that thrills me with wonder,

It’s the stillness that fills me with peace.                            (Robert Service)

(Article written and submitted by Michiko Tatchell, Rose Toyoken and Grace Wandag, SMM’s ACW Camp Artaban Retreat Committee)


  • Canada Day Flag 
  • Camp Artaban’s Nancy Ferris with Michiko Tatchell, ODNW and the Canada Cake 
  • The plenary gathered around Bishop Alex at the outdoor worship site aka “The Cathedral”

Photos by Betha Kollin