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On Wednesday, October 4, 2023, the staff of the Anglican Diocese of New Westminster met for their monthly meeting. As tradition dictates, following the greeting by the chair, the territorial acknowledgement and a prayer to welcome the Holy Spirit it's time to mark the birthdays celebrated that month. For October, the birthday staffer is Building Administrator, Regan Gorman the person who for 4 and a half years has kept and maintained all aspects of the building and grounds at 1410 Nanton Avenue. Regan is vegan, which was no problem for staffer Michèle van Teunenbroek who has tirelessly made it a part of her ministry to circulate birthday cards and purchase a cake to be served at the meeting. Michèle was able to source a rich chocolate cake from Breka which was enjoyed by all and proved to be an excellent choice on Regan's milestone with a 0 birthday. (Readers will have to guess which decade).

After the cake was served and the meeting underway, Regan was joined by his companion, Aspen (now 9 months old) who sat on Regan's lap for the rest of the meeting.

As we see from the photos both Aspen and Regan were alert near the beginning of the meeting, nearer to the end, not so much.

One of the highlights of the meeting was the report from Bishop John Stephens that he had spoken the night before to Executive Archdeacon, the Venerable Philippa Pride currently on short-term medical leave and that she was sounding better. Please continue to keep Philippa in your prayers.