Lent is an invitation to consider anew what the Easter event might mean for us in this time and this place. What are the possibilities for freshening up our faith

Here are four current and worthwhile books to help with our intention to set aside moments for refreshment and renewal.

The Last Week by Marcus Borg and Dominic Crossan. (HarperCollins Canada, 2006) $17.95 256 pages.

What the Gospels really teach about Jesus’ final days in Jerusalem according to these two scholars.

Lent & Easter Readings from Iona (Wild Goose Publications, 2002) $20.95, 155 pages.

A book of daily readings from members and staff of the Iona community pointing to ways that our private and public lives might contain an abundance of new possibilities.

Four Days in Spring: Christ Suffering, Dying, and Rising in Our Lives by Herbert O’Driscoll. (Anglican Book Centre, 2007) $16.95, 111 pages.

Reflections that make a connection to the biblical story and the life of the church now, from a former Dean of Christ Church Cathedral and prolific author.

Pilgrim Road: A Benedictine Journey Through Lent by Albert Holtz, OSB. (Moorehouse Publishing, 2006) $13.50 178 pages

A guide to keeping a Holy Lent in the Benedictine tradition.

Elaine Perry

Elaine Perry owns Vine & Fig Tree Books,

4109 Macdonald St., Vancouver
, 604-734-2109, www.vineandfig.ca, and a member of St. Mark’s, Vancouver.