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Dear Parish Family,

This Sunday is Mother's Day and will be a challenge for those of us who can't visit our mothers because of pandemic restrictions.  But there are many ways to reach out so be creative!  And be thankful for your mother (and mothers-in-law) whether they are still with you or have passed on.  Maybe pick some flowers in their honour and cook their favourite meal or read their favourite poem or sing their favourite song out loud.  This will be my first Mother's Day without my own mother and I will be thinking of her for sure.
As Spring progresses the garden changes here at Christ the Redeemer.  You can see the cut grass in the photo - thanks to Jacquie and David. The man who usually comes to mow the grass with a ride 'em mower at the cemetery lives in Point Roberts and can't cross the border - so Jim Small has been mowing it with a push mower. Terry is single-handedly cutting out blackberries on the bank below the school and Jon (with Keshaka's help) is working on the basement ceiling at Christ Church. I've planted dozens of willow switches below the bank for water drainage control. Ted the Terminator has been attacking carpenter ants that were invading the nap room in the Daycare. Keshaka installed a new modem for the computer and has been working on getting the security camera system working.  We managed to lose the power adapter for the receiver console for the cameras when we moved everything for the new floors - only 4 months ago but it seems like a different world. Jim Small and his friend Jim Toth are painting the clergy office. Gauri has been organizing the offering envelopes and entering everything in PowerChurch; Jim continues to manage our finances; Parish Council is meeting this Friday; so the work of the parish continues. This long litany is to acknowledge the work that continues at the church and also to remind everyone that your offerings are greatly appreciated and needed - whether of time, resources, or money. Thanks to all!
I must make a correction to last week's eblast thanks to Richard Howes.  Arundhati Roy is not an Indo-Canadian writer. She hails entirely from India so we can't claim her.  But she is a powerful writer.
Please remember you can access worship services through the Diocesan  And please send in prayer requests and items to share.
As you prepare to celebrate mothers I leave you with a prayer from my book of Earth Prayers - as Earth is also our mother.
All that I have comes from my Mother!
I give myself over to this pot.
My thoughts are on the good, the healing properties of this food.
My hands are balanced, I season well!
I give myself over to this pot.
Life is being given to me.
I commit to sharing, I feed others.
I feed She Who Feeds Me.
I give myself over to this gift.
I adorn this table with food.
I invite lovers and friends to come share.
I thank you for this gift.
All that I have comes from my Mother!                       - Luisah Teish
Blessings to all this week,