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On Friday and Saturday, May 12 and 13, on a weekend that is predicted to be one of the warmest spring weekends of all time in the Province of BC, the Synod of the Anglican Diocese of New Westminster will meet in-person for the first time since May 24, 2019. The theme for the 122nd Synod are Jesus's words from John 10-10b, "I came that they may have life and have it abundantly."

Approximately 280 lay and clergy will meet over two days to worship, pray, discuss, learn, vote and do the work of the diocese.

Apart from the election of diocesan officers (and the other business of governance), financial reports, program, ministry group and partnership reports, this 122nd Synod will have two distinct areas of focus: the Report of the Task Force on Housing Affordability and Homelessness which was stuck following the 121st Synod in May of 2021, and the resulting Resolutions from that report, and a focussed look at Diocesan Priorities. On Day One, May 12, there will be an extended session on Exploring Priorities and on Day Two, May 13 there will be a brief morning session when the previous day's explorations will be identified, followed in the afternoon by an extended session on Identifying Priorities.

Bishop John Stephens will preach and preside at the Opening Eucharist at 9am on May 12. His sermon will be available on this website and linked on the diocesan Facebook page, Anglican Conversation. Bishop John will preach at the 9am Celebration of Morning Prayer on Saturday, May 13. Diocesan communications will endevour to have that sermon available as well.

On this website under the Mission and Ministry heading there is a collection entitled "Synods", there you will already find some 122nd Synod materials. As Synod continues, and after Synod is adjourned, more material will be added for those who would like to take a deeper dive into diocesan process and governance. Here is the link.

The livestream of Synod Day One, May 12 on the diocesan YouTube channel is linked here

The livestream of Synod on the diocesan YouTube channel for Day Two is linked here and will be live 8:50, May 13