Be it resolved that:
The 105th Session of the Synod request Diocesan Council to exercise its discretion in accordance with Article 5 of the Constitution, Division 2, Section 53 to direct the Diocesan Synod Office and all bodies reporting to Synod to utilize whenever possible electronic distribution of materials which have until now been printed and mailed out on paper, and to direct that in particular all reports of Committees, Divisions, and Units to the 106th Session of Synod be posted on the diocesan website and be made available in printed form only upon specific request.
Accordingly, the primary distribution of the Synod Circular and all related materials will be electronic, via e-mail and/or available for download from the diocesan website in mid-April – hopefully early in the week of April 23. When you click the green box on the home page, you should get a page with the downloads that will replace this announcement.
The Notice of Synod is being distributed by regular mail. The Auditor's Report along with all of the financial reports will be distributed in paper format by regular mail to all Synod Delegates, also in mid-April.
After you download the primary distribution, please monitor this site regularly for updates as we get closer to May 25 and the start of Synod.
The Reverend Eileen Nurse
Administrative Assistant to the Bishop
Diocese of