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We are a Community of Faith in the Christian tradition that strives to be both inclusive and engaging.  We are a theologically diverse, thoughtful, and grounded group of people.  We do not require everyone to think the same way.  We encourage people to ask questions, and share their perspectives on life and faith, for in listening to one another our lives are enriched and our world expands.

All are WELCOME here.  We honour and respect religious traditions that are different to our own.  We believe God is love and that we have been given this good news to celebrate and share with all people.  We seek to practice the radical welcome and hospitality Jesus himself offered to those he met, particularly to those people on the fringes of society.                    

46098 Higginson Road

Chilliwack, BC

V2R 2A9

phone 604.858.2229
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Parish Clergy & Staff

The Reverend Matt Koovisk

Parish Administrator
Stephen Demers

Service Times

Sundays from June 23rd to September 1st:
10:00 a.m. (with music, live-streamed to Facebook.)

Normal Sunday Schedule
9:30 a.m. (with music) live-streamed to Facebook.
11:15 a.m. (said)

Wednesday services are cancelled for the month of July. They will return on August 7th.