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In January the diocesan subcommittee for adult Christian formation agreed that parishes might need something a bit different to review and renew their Christian formation after such a tumultuous year. They also agreed that they would like to share in a good laugh together. The idea to present a fictionalized church committee meeting over Zoom was born. The committee began working on the outline and the script in February and recorded and edited it in time for Pentecost. The script was in four parts – (1) the committee meets to review the year before, (2) they decide what they want to continue or stop, (3) they brainstorm some new formation ideas, and (4) they use a worksheet to make a decision about which idea they will start.

Here is a direct link to the full program page on this website

The hope is that small parish groups will watch the video together and then pause at 4 different times to do the activities. By the end of the video, they will have been introduced to ideas for Christian formation, reviewed and evaluated what worked and didn’t work in the last year, and come away with renewed energy and a plan for Christian formation in the year to come. The tool can be used by parish councils, formation committees, even a mixed group of parishioners who care about formation and discipleship but may have not gathered together before.