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Listening Prayer FACILITATOR TRAINING workshop  

February 1-3

Thurs & Fri evenings 6:30 – 8:30 pm

Saturday 9:30 am – 3:30 pm.

at St. Thomas Chilliwack

Facilitators: Katherine Murray and Lorie Martin and the Listening Prayer Ministry Team

Listening Prayer Ministry is a beautiful healing prayer process that leads people into connection and intimacy with Jesus. A person meets with a team of two trained facilitators to listen, discern, receive, repair, grow and transform in areas of struggle, woundedness, fear, and anxiety. Learning to accompany others in this way is a wonderful opportunity to engage in healing ministry. This workshop is for lay persons and clergy; it is hands-on with teaching and practice with others who are trained and experienced. "To pray effectively for the healing of souls is to see the work of the Cross made fully manifest in lives and the gifts and fruit of the Holy Spirit flourish within the Body of Christ." LP

Fee: $125 includes drinks, snacks, and lunch. Scholarship funds are available upon request.
