I happened to see TOPIC and the article on homelessness. I appreciate what Brenda Berck has written and that this continues to be an issue in the paper. (TOPIC, January 2008)

I, as a Lutheran, have worked with the Justice and Peace Committee of your diocese for a number of years. We have a shared programme in our two Churches to have a letter writing campaign to federal political leaders to seek to get action from the federal government in this issue. We hope to get other denominations to join us. This article contributes to the ongoing task.

I have another favorite Anglican, Grace Draper, who works for KAIROS, an ecumenical Canadian justice movement. She has written: "Homelessness is the symptom, not the problem. Eliminating the poverty at the root of homelessness requires that those who are better off examine their life style habits. It stirs fear and anxiety as people buy into the perception that there isn't-or soon won't be-enough to go around.

"In Vancouver, where competition for homes is fierce, sympathy is all that many feel they can afford to help the homeless on the streets. The age old problem of faith remains- is there enough for everyone? Do we really believe that God will provide us with everything that we need in order to live in right relationship with the earth and her creatures? If we do not believe that then we will not want to share".

If we do not believe that then we will not want to act. Working for justice and peace requires trust in God.

Pastor Don Johnson is with the Faith and Society Committee, BC Synod of the Lutheran Church, as well as a member of the Diocese's Justice and Peace Committee.