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Earlier in the week leading up to Palm Sunday, 2013, the weather forecasters had predicted fair weather for March 24th but as the day approached the chances of bright morning sunshine bathing the various Processions of the Palms around the Diocese of New Westminster became less likely. The good news was that although most of the Metro Vancouver Area was cloudy, there was very little to no rain and the outside temperature was quite comfortable.

At St. Anne’s, Steveston, the congregation gathered in the Parish Hall at 9:30am for the Liturgy of the Palms. Not only was it Passion Sunday but it was also the Sunday where Bishop Michael was present to preach, and later celebrate the Eucharist.
Following the reading of the Passion from Luke’s Gospel (22:14-23:56) Bishop Michael began his homily by saying that the story that the congregation had just heard and participated in strikes at the very core of our human experience. The story of Palm Sunday demonstrates the fickleness of the people of Jerusalem and their misunderstanding of Jesus and who he really was and why he had arrived in the city that week. Jesus was not swayed by the adulation of the crowd who had misinterpreted his mission and, he stayed the course, a course that would lead him later in the week to the Cross.
Bishop Michael continued to examine the next week in Jesus’ life, his farewell to those he loved, his acceptance of betrayal with forgiveness and his continuing to build relationships between those he had come in contact with, relationships that would last after his death.

The Parish of St. Anne’s, Steveston is a warm and welcoming community under the ordained leadership of the Reverend Brian Vickers and all were invited to attend a buffet lunch after worship. It was a time for the community to be together, to visit with Bishop Michael and to prepare for the journey of Holy Week.

Images: Top and Homepage, at the conclusion of worship before lunch Vicky Erickson greets Bishop Michael. Middle right, The Peace is a joyful experience at St. Anne's. Lower left, Eucharistic prayer, the Reverend Brian Vickers, Bishop Michael and Sacristan, Kim Campbell who is also an Associate Warden.