This coming February of 2019, Church Publishing Incorporated will release the Reverend Canon Dr. Herbert O’Driscoll’s latest book, “A...
At Evensong, Herbert O’Driscoll, prolific author, renowned Anglican storyteller and preacher, former Rector of Christ Church...
Sunday afternoon, March 24 at 3pm, approximately 150 people gathered in the nave of Christ Church Cathedral to “lighten their darkness”...
By late afternoon he came down out of the hills to a wooded valley. He noticed that the forest floor was tinder dry. Even this far...
Hollywood loves the word Apocalypse. To them it means Dollars. It means a big screen disaster movie, complete with toppling high-rises,...
Piano tuners, as you know, have to hit single notes again and again. However, now and again they play a chord, and you realize how...
I recall now after many years that it was an hour of great beauty, the kind of beauty that the ocean and the coast conspire together to...
Up above my study door there is a text. It’s not from the Bible. It’s from the writings of Reinhold Niebuhr, a magnificent scholar to...
The road running along behind the beach is glistening with light rain. On either side the vegetation has the wild and ragged look it...
The human face is a wonderful thing. I sometimes think of it, or see it, as a kind of country, or rather, the map of a country....
We gathered to celebrate a birthday. There were some cards of course, some with small presents, small because there comes a time when...
Over the last few years we have got to know one another and to respect one another. I think, and certainly hope, that this has become...
Do you keep memorabilia? I do, and now that I have seven boxes of it – and still going – I’m so glad I started collecting this and that...
Have you noticed that the very word preaching has developed a kind of off putting sound about it in recent years? I’m sure you’ve...
It was 1938, and I was 14 and on my grandfather's farm in county Kilkenny there was a donkey. Actually there were two horses...
It was summer and the setting sun poured along the corridor as I looked for the ward he had been moved to. Len was dying...
Jesus was once - more likely many times - asked what he meant by the Kingdom of God or the kingdom of Heaven. He used to give...
Not very long ago one of our great-grandchildren asked her great-grandmother a question that intrigued me. She said “Nanny”...
Does the name Rabindrinath Tagore mean anything to you? He was an Anglo Indian poet in the early years of the last century. He was...
More than anyone else I know, Wordsworth wrote most tellingly and beautifully of the precious years of childhood. In his “Ode on the...
I have never been presented with so much evidence of the futility of war as when driving up the coast highway north of Beirut in...
For some reason I have always been intrigued by imagining what it would have been like to be present at a moment when something happens...
It was an hour of great beauty, the kind of beauty that the ocean and the coast give frequently. Towards the coming of evening the sun...